Our company has been supplying with spare parts not only private businesses dealing within our industry, but we have been supplying also public institutions who are responsible with construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of water supply networks, irrigation networks, and wastewater treatment systems. In order to react quickly to possible damages in the existing water network systems, or to plan effectively and efficiently the construction of new systems, inventory is one of the most valuable assets for public institutions responsible for water network systems. Therefore, each one of these institutions has at least one Warehouse where they keep standard and special equipment and products that are essential for their systems. We have already signed contracts with the following public institutions to supply them, assist and facilitate them during intervention in the existing networks and during execution of new projects:
KRU “Gjakova” Sh.A.
Public Institution managing potable water in the region of Gjakova
KRU “Radoniqi-Dukagjini” Sh.A
Public institution managing irrigation network for Dukagjini region
KRU ‘’Hidroregjioni-Jugor” Sh.A
Public Institution managing potable water in Prizren, Therandë, Malishevë and Dragash
KRU “Hidromorava” Sh.A
Public institution managing water networks system for Anamorava region
KRU “Hidrodrini” Sh.A
Public Institution managing potable water, irrigation network and wastewater in Pejë, Deçan, Istog, Klinë and Junik
KRUK “Bifurkacioni” Sh.A
Public Institution managing water network systems for Ferizaj and Kaçanik
KRU “Prishtina” Sh.A
Public Institution managing water network systems for Prishtina region
One of the strongest factors of our growth and success is our inventory. Taking into consideration that we have contracts supplying with spare parts almost all public institutions dealing with water network systems in our country, a lack of inventory can have detrimental effects. Therefore, we adopt an agile supply chain strategy and create strong collaboration with our suppliers to respond quickly to changes in demand, customer preference, and industry.