In April 2010, the Government of Kosovo signed a contract with joint venture Bechtel-Enka Partnership for construction of Kosovo Motorway project. Route 7 spans from Morinë (Albanian border) to the capital city of Kosovo, Prishtina. The 2×2-carriageways motorway has a total length of 78 kilometers with the design speed of 120 km/h. This project is the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken by the Government of Kosovo. The project comprised the construction of 15 bridges; construction of 58 overpasses and underpasses; 36 million m³ of excavation; and 14 million m³ of fill.
NPT “XËRXA” was a subcontractor of Bechtel-Enka Partnership since the beginning of the project – it was responsible for installation, replacing and repairing the water supply and irrigation network as well as responsible for drainage and sewage systems. Prior to construction works, the project was challenged mainly with utility relocation – relocation of electricity, water systems, drainage systems, sewage systems. Furthermore, our company was responsible to intervene for damaged works caused during construction works by B&E joint venture.
In a nutshell, NPT “XËRXA” was responsible for the following activities during the entire project period:
A. New water supply network systems
- HDPE Pipes with diameter range DN20 – DN800
- Steel pipes
B. New irrigation network systems
C. Repairing existing water supply and irrigation network systems
D. Drainage and Sewage systems with diameter range DN50 – DN710
- Construction of new systems
- Repairing existing and damaged systems
E. Concrete Reservoirs
F. Concrete Manholes