Kosovo Motorway – Route 6 “Arbën Xhaferi”

After the completion of Route 7, the Government of Kosovo signed another contract with joint venture Bechtel-Enka Partnership for construction of Kosovo Motorway project – Route 6. The project started by July 2014 and was completed on May 29, 2019. Route 6 stretches from capital city of Kosovo, Prishtina to its border with North Macedonia. The four-lane motorway has a total length of 65 kilometers with the design speed of 120 km/h. The project comprised the construction of 13 bridges – with a total length of 7.9km; construction of 19 overpasses and 18 underpasses; 19 million m³ of excavation; and 170km of guardrail.

Alike for Route 7, NPT “XËRXA” was a subcontractor of Bechtel-Enka Partnership since the beginning of the project – it was responsible for installation, replacing and repairing the water supply and irrigation network as well as responsible for drainage and sewage systems. The entire project had to be in coordination and under the management of Bechtel-Enka staff in order to align the project planning according to the dynamic planning of the entire motorway construction. NPT “XËRXA” staff has been periodically trained and was part of the safety campaign with the slogan “Yes to Safety, No to Speed” as well as was part of ES&H Management Program in compliance with the highest international standards. All materials used by our company were fully tested, verified and approved prior to procurement and installation.

In a nutshell, NPT “XËRXA” was responsible for the following activities during the entire project period:


A. New water supply network systems

  • HDPE Pipes with diameter range DN20 – DN800
  • Steel pipes

B. New irrigation network systems

C. Repairing existing water supply and irrigation network systems

D. Drainage and Sewage systems with diameter range DN50 – DN710

  • Construction of new systems
  • Repairing existing and damaged systems

E. Concrete Reservoirs

F. Concrete Manholes

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